One of the essentials to spend money on when it comes to a designer handbag is to make sure you are buying an authentic piece. Identifying a Real Designer Bag against fake goods is difficult for us. ZRA97 Dubai brings the ultimate handbag collection of famous brands so that you can borrow and return the luxury bag after some hours. The tips and tricks that follow may help you to spot an authentic designer handbag:
1. Examine the Craftsmanship:
The craftsmanship of the designer handbag has always been one of those most revealing aspects of it being a genuine article. Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Gucci are just a few luxury brands known for their fine detail. Look for precision stitching, top-notch materials and flawless tailoring. Look for any peculiarities or shoddy work, and it’s a fake, most likely.
2. Check the Hardware:
Hardware (Designer bags use the best hardware as it is the material, For Example:) Look at the zippers, clasps and metallic details. You should feel like they matter and are smooth and polished. Ensure the engravings (most of them have their brand’s logos or names on the hardware),
3. Inspect the Logo and Branding
Designer brands take great pride in their logos and branding. Examine the font, dimensions, and location of the logo on a handbag. Exporters say that logos that are dealt with discretely with Counterfeit bags sometimes use irregularities to cover up. For example, the C’s of Chanel or if you are able to reproduce the Louis Vuitton monogram.
4. Check Both Serial Numbers and Authentication Cards
Most designer handbags have specific numbers, just like Coach or Channel bags, with serial numbers. Find out on the brand level their way of handling those identifiers. For example, Chanel has a serial number tag inside the bag, and Gucci uses both numbers & letters. Make sure the details match those on file with the brand and are not easily removable or tampered with.
5. Analyze the Packaging
The best designer handbags are more expensive because they come in quality packaging (dust bags, good boxes and tissue paper) of the bag itself. The packaging should be of the company name and equal quality to the handbag. If you recognize the packaging of Chanel backpack graffiti to be a bit light on quality, they generally use straightforward versions that are flimsy.
6. Buy From Known Sites
When you buy a handbag from well-known sources, there is no great danger of getting a poor-quality counterfeit bag. We recommend buying at authorized retailers, brand boutiques, and well-known luxurious department stores. Look for consignment shops or online marketplaces that offer good authentication for second-hand purchases.
7. Compare Prices
Some deals are so good that they have to be wrong. Although discounts are undoubtedly available for designer handbags, particularly if they’re pre-owned, a dramatic price decrease is another key indicator. Look up the typical price range of the handbag you want, and be wary if it differs significantly.